January 6, 2021
Day Trade margin requirements have been restored (Back to Normal)
January 5, 2021
Due to the risk of potentially significant market volatility associated with the US - Georgia Senate Runoff Election, the following temporary updates to required margins will be made for the US Overnight Trading Session: 5:00pm CST (Chicago Time) to 8:30am CST.

We expect to be able to restore back to our Standard Day Trade Margin Requirements for the US Day Session (8:30am - 4pm CST) on Wednesday January 6, 2021.
The risk of CME Stock Indices triggering Trading HALT for a long period of time during the Overnight Session is still present, but we want our customers to be able to trade with normal Day Trade Margins during the overnight sessions, so we are implementing this rule:
If the market gets close to the Daily CME Limit Halt Price, we will require your account balance to meet Exchange Maintenance Margins (listed on the Margins Page) or we will attempt to close your OPEN positions before the CME Market Limit Market Halt is Triggered.
Here is the CME Market Limit Market Halt Liquidation Trigger for Each of the CME Major Indices:
E-mini S&P 500 (ES) & Micro E-mini S&P 500 (MES): 8 points from CME Limit Price
E-mini NASDAQ 100 (NQ) & Micro E-mini Nasdaq-100 (MNQ): 25 points from CME Limit Price
Dow Jones $5 Mini (YM) & Micro E-mini Dow (MYM): 100 points from CME Limit Price
Russell 2000 Index Mini (RTY) & Micro E-mini Russell 2000: 5 points from CME Limit Price
VERY IMPORTANT - Your responsibility and Your Acceptance of the risk in trading during them extreme market conditions. You are solely responsible for any trading losses including if any debit balances are occurred. If markets trigger price limit market halts, no new orders are executed. If you are stuck in an Open Position, you are at the mercy of the next market open price. By YOU placing orders - you are Fully Accepting this Risk. The above AMP Risk CME Market Limit Market Halt Liquidation Trigger does NOT in any way guarantee against your trades generating negative balance. This is only a risk management tool to help our customers trade with normal Day Trade Margins during the US Overnight Session. Any trading PnL, both positive and negative, you are 100% responsible.
Another known risk is the market trades to the CME Market Limit Market Halt Liquidation Trigger Price and AMP Risk closes your open position and the market does NOT continue to trade to the CME Limit Halt Price. This is out of our control, we do NOT know what the markets will do...we just need to have prudent risk management in order to allow normal Day Trade Margins during the US Overnight Session. If this happens, and you want to re-enter your position, you will need to wait until the market is back beyond the above CME Market Limit Market Halt Liquidation Trigger Prices Range.
If you do not accept this risk or these AMP Risk Management Rules, DO NOT PLACE ANY NEW TRADES.