We are excited to announce CTS-T4 Trading Platform is Now Available for Live Trading at AMP Futures.
Start receiving real market data and experience the full functionality of CTS-T4 risk-free. Real-time data and full functionality are available for 2 weeks from the time of registration: Get FREE CTS-T4 Demo >
In addition to the adding all the available trading tools/versions of CTS-T4 Trading Platform, AMP Futures has added the CTS datafeed connection into Sierra Chart.
AMP Customers can now get Sierra Chart Package 3 for FREE (No Monthly Platform Fee) using CQG, Rithmic or CTS datafeeds.
CTS-T4 & CTS-Sierra Chart has been added to the AMP Exact Cost Calculator > so you can see how much $avings you can get by using CTS at AMP Futures.

Here are some CTS-T4 getting started videos: Watch 17 Getting Started Videos >
If you need any assistance or would like a one-on-one walk-through of the platform, please contact our 24 hour help desk in real-time via Phone or Live CHAT: https://www.ampfutures.com/contact-us/
Happy Trading!