CME Micro WTI Crude Oil futures (MCL) only $1.00 per tick
On July 12, 2021, CME Micro WTI Crude Oil futures will give traders of all sizes a smaller, more precise instrument for managing crude oil price exposure. At 1/10 the size of the benchmark WTI futures contract, Micro WTI Crude Oil futures offers the same robust transparency and price discovery of larger WTI futures with smaller margin requirements.
CME Micro WTI Crude Oil Exchange-traded Futures contracts are available to trade starting Sunday Market Open: July 11, 2021 - 5pm Chicago (CST)
- CME Micro WTI Crude Oil futures (MCL)
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Exchange Fee $0.50
CQG Order Routing Fee $0.10
NFA $0.02
AMP Clearing Fee $0.05
Total per Side $0.67
Available on all 40+ different trading platforms. Please use the AMP Exact Cost Calculator to confirm the total all-in price for any platforms that charge any additional per contract platform fees.
Click to View "Ultra Cheap" Commissions (All In):
Click to View "Super Low" Day Trade Margins:
- CME Micro WTI Crude Oil Day Trade Margin (MCL) = $100.00
AMP Account Minimum to get started is only $100.
CME Micro WTI Crude Oil Contract Symbol per Data Feed:
- Rithmic - MCL
- TT - MCL
Example Current Front Month Contract(s) - August 2021
- Micro WTI Crude Oil : (CQG) MCLEQ21
- Micro WTI Crude Oil : (Rithmic) MCLQ21
- Micro WTI Crude Oil : (TT) MCLQ21

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