4 New Contacts + Hang Seng (Full Size & Mini) - Hong Kong Exchange (HKEX) Now Available for Live Trading

Hang Seng Index (HSI) - FULL SIZE, the benchmark of the Hong Kong stock market, is one of the best known indices in Asia and widely used by fund managers as their performance benchmark.
Mini-Hang Seng Index Futures (MHI) - MINI SIZE, To meet the needs of retail investors with an interest in the Hong Kong stock market, the Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) has introduced a Mini-Hang Seng Index (Mini-HSI) futures contract since 9 October 2000.
Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures (HHI) - FULL SIZE, There has been growing investors' interest in China-related securities resulting from the rapid expansion of Mainland economy. The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index (HSCEI) is a market capitalisation-weighted stock index which is compiled and calculated by Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited . The HSCEI tracks the performance of major H-shares.
Mini-Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures (MCH) - MINI SIZE, The trading and hedging needs relating to H-shares from retail investors are growing continously. As volatility and index level increase, the high profit and loss swing becomes a hurdle for retail investors’ participation.
This is for all trading platforms connected to AMP/CQG datafeed, such as:
*Requires Live AMP/CQG Connection > Not Available via Demo/Simulation Connection.
*Requires Live AMP/CQG Connection > Not Available via Demo/Simulation Connection.
Existing AMP Customers, If you would like to enable Hong Kong (HKEX) exchange data for Live Trading, please fill out this online form>>
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